Anne Lightheart arrived in Warburton in January, 2013. She has worked in various fields working with vulnerable people since the mid 1980’s. Anne worked as a psychiatric nurse for over ten years, whilst training up to a professional level in Recreational Scuba Diving. She taught diving in South East Asia for four years and also worked on board charter yachts as hostess, crew and promoter during that time.
In 1994, Anne trained as a remedial massage therapist in Brisbane, and ran a business from home around her family. This was successful over a 17 year period, and during that time she also trained as a Reiki master, Horstmann Technique Practitioner (http://horstmanntechniquecom/) Pellowah practitioner, ( and infant massage instructor.
Anne has trained in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, through Metavision Institute in Bowral NSW, and graduate at the end of 2013. Her training is focused in Process Oriented Psychology, as well
as techniques derived from Anthroposophy (the work of Rudolf Steiner) Quantum physics, and principles of Taoism.
As well as working with Warburton Wellbeing, Anne is also the Coordinator and Therapist at a Drug and Alcohol centre.
Some of the services Anne offers at Warburton Wellbeing are –
Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Dreams and making sense of them.
Psychotherapy through art, and writing.
Working through grief with Clay Therapy.
Working with the following experiences – trauma, addiction, abuse.
Anne prefers to work with individuals and is available on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am-12.30pm. $90/hr.